Happy New Years

May your upcoming year be blessed and bountiful

Happy New Year

We are all looking forward to the New Year- an opportunity for doing things better, different outcomes, and a bright shiny future. After the last two years of unprecedented events, people are tired, worn, and anxious. Families have endured terrible losses, businesses have suffered, the political division has broadened and we are all unsure of things to come.
But in reality, New Year’s Day is just another day- it’s our mindset that is different. We take the opportunity to set goals, challenge ourselves to do more, be better in the upcoming year. I heard one time a wonderful saying that I like to live my life by.
Plan in decades, think in years, work in months, live in days, and cherish in moments.
Think of the things we could accomplish if we woke up every day with the optimism and determination we feel in the early days of each year. The joy we could have in life when we cherish the daily moments we all have. Take the time to breathe in the delight that nature surrounds us with. Treasure the opportunities life in agriculture provides us. Often we get dragged down by concerns with over-regulation, erratic markets, supply issues and do not recognize the beauty in our industry. Everyone smiles at the sight of a curly black spindle-legged baby calf, born early, struggling with the cold, but strongly trying to nurse. Our breath is taken both by the view of trees crisply coated in frost, shining in the morning sun as well physically by the cold air. We are blessed to enjoy God’s bounty in every season, the soft cushion of life giving snow in the winter, the first blush of green grass in the spring, the long hot summer days, growing grass and fat calves and the fall- the season of harvest, where the land rewards us the fruits of our labors.

As we set forth into 2022, let’s all try to live each day with resolution. We all can do more, be better. Let go of the past and unresolved pain. Look forward to a brighter future. Choose kindness and industriousness, challenge yourself to succeed- in traditional ways as well as a human, a beautiful member of our community and our world.


Summertime and Cornbread Salad


October in New Mexico