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Open minds and open hearts

By: Laura Riley

Touring through The United Kingdom, I’ve observed the very old to the very new; Be it architecture, farming techniques, brew pubs, or ideas.  A dichotomy can be seen from the halls of Parliament to the modern visage of the American Embassy.  

Understanding the adaptation of fragile humans and our impact on the world is critical for the survival of our species.  This week we have talked a lot about regenerative agriculture in light of climate change.  It’s very clear we do not know enough.   What is nature, and what is man-made?  How do we reduce or sequester atmospheric carbon in a substantive form?  Can it be done while still maintaining our ability to produce food in an economically sustainable manner?  Most positions are taken based on political agendas, marketing maneuvers, and not necessarily hard science.  One thing we all agree upon is our job of feeding a growing hungry population is getting harder and harder.  To quote the esteemed Agricultural Secretary from New Mexico-  “We have not found a replacement for food”.   

While the more we talk, the less we hear- it’s very important we keep communicating!  We now live in a global society and are faced with challenges that do not recognize political and physical geography.  We all share the air, soil, and water- along with the limited natural resources available to sustain our species.  I found a meme on Facebook that shows how small we really are in the scheme of our natural world. “We owe our very existence to 6” of topsoil and the fact it rains”. 

We talk about why we continue doing what we do!   The soul-searing beauty of the land, the satisfaction of a well-grown crop, the warm hug of living in a community where everyone knows you, and the joy of a sunrise.  Understanding our role in society, the value added to lifestyle, families, and the human experience is a critical component of a successful path forward.  

Share your thoughts, ideas, and questions with your neighbors, your local and state government officials, your business partners, and the children. Listen to their concerns, ideas, and suggestions. Open minds and open hearts will be the saving grace of mankind.